BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili - 1
BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili - 1
BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili - 1 BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili - 2 BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili - 3 BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili - 4 BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili - 5

BK-3HCDE/BF1 eneloop pro Bulk stilo AA ricaricabili

EAN 5410853052562
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The environmental contribution is applied only for the Italian market.

Environmental contribution for exhausted batteries Decree 188/2008

Value added by the manufacturer on electrical or electronic equipment to finance separate collection, correct disposal and recycling of primary and secondary materials. The calculation of the value of the eco-contribution is shown on all our price lists in force at the time of purchase and is calculated on the weight of the batteries purchased net of the packaging and is subject to variations. Panamar pays the eco-contribution to Panasonic duly registered in the National Register of waste management of batteries and accumulators with the number IT09060P00000014.

How is it reported on the invoice?

In total transparency, in detail expenses on all invoice and proforma invoice documents issued by our Company. Our Customers are exempt from registering and periodically declaring their entry into the market to the consortia in charge.